Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Momma's Proud Moments

1/3/12 ~

Wooo Hooo, I am driving legal today! The trip to Waxahachie today to renew my license was definitely worth it. I would much rather drive 30 minutes and wait less than an hour, than drive 20 and wait for 3 hours!!! Plus I get the benefit of eating lunch at Fuzzy Taco with my mom and my princess.

I am so honored to know the American soldier Chris Kyle!! He is named as as "The Deadliest Sniper in American History" I went to school with this amazing man and to know that he spent 10 years of his life in the Navy, putting his life on the line, makes me proud to be an American!!! Check him out!! He has written a book about his experience. American Sniper. I can't wait to read it!!!

Being an Army Mom makes his story and his life so much for meaningful to me. My son has wanted join the Army since he was 13. I remember getting a knock on the door one afternoon and when I opened it, there stood an Army Recruiter. I just looked at him and asked if I could help him. He asked for Shaw. I laughed and told him he was not home and what he wanted with him. He said that Shaw had filled out information online and just wanted to speak with us. Again, laughing in this poor soldier's face, I told him that Shaw was only 13. He said that he would return in 5 years. I informed the man that we would NOT be here. He chuckled and thanked me for my time. Looking back now, I regret my shock and actions. Little did I know that it was in Shaw's heart to become a soldier. That was not the last I heard about the Army, it was just the beginning. When Shaw got into high school he joined the JROTC and worked towards his training. The day after he turned 17, we were at the recruiters office signing him up to join the Army. It still brings tears to my eyes to think about that day. That is when my little boy turned into a MAN! He spent the next 14.5 months preparing for his dream. 7 days after Shaw graduated from High School I put him on a bus headed for Ft Knox, Kentucky. Talk about the biggest heart break. I could not hug him and tell him that I love him and was proud of him enough.

Since that day, Shaw has become an amazing soldier! As soon as he graduated from BCT, he joined his troop in Afghanistan. WOW, what an eye opener for a mom. I am grateful for God's protection over him. His troop had already spent 8 months there and they only had 4 months left. My son is a Cavalry Scout and has earned his combat spurs!!! He is now stationed in Ft Drum, NY. He is a grown man and still makes this momma proud every single day. Every time I talk about him and his decision, I break down in tears. Tears of pride!!!!!!! It is on thing to be proud of your child's achievements, and it is another to be proud that your son puts his life on the line to fight for this country's freedom!

Momma's, take a minute, look at your children, and know that no matter what they do in life, they will always do something that will make you the proudest momma on earth!!! You never know, you just might be a Proud Army Mom as well.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Get Motivated

1/2/12 ~

First day back to school after a 2 week vacation is always challenging! Poor R did not want to get up, but we got to moving and he was ON TIME!!! I am determined to not have any more tardies. Yes, I am guilty of making my poor prince tardy in the mornings. I have been put in time out already by his teacher!!!

Today was THE day to finally get my license renewed. It has only been expired for 23 days!!!! Got ready just to find out that today is the observance of New Year's Day and all the government offices are closed... BLAH! Pulled the sweats off the closet floor and put them back on! Today just became a play day for the princess and I!!!! I'll take that over sitting in line any day!

This morning the princess and I were watching Pound Puppies and one of the puppies said the greatest thing... "You are, who you think you are" This hit me like a TON of bricks. Who am I? Who do I think I am?? What a great way to start the new year off! I was already contemplating resolutions and what I REALLY want to accomplish this year.

Motivation..... where did you go??? Oh how I miss thee!!! With my million projects and endless sleepless nights over the holidays, my motivation seems to have disappeared. Hmm, how do you get it back? GOOGLE IT! Yep, that's right, I Googled "How to Get Motivated" I don't want to buy a self help book or get caught into some seminar, I just want to know what others do to motivate themselves. The very first site that came up was...... Get Off Your Butt: 16 Ways to Get Motivated When You’re in a Slump. HA, it's perfect!!! Read It, Bookmarked It, Printed It, and picking my most important goal! Goal posters will be next!

What do you do to keep motivated or re-motivate yourself?? Where does your focus come from?? I find it interesting what motivates people.

Maybe some of the electric personality my princess has will rub off on me and I can kick it into gear FAST.

Every night before bed R reads for 20 minutes. Tonight he picks "Walter The Farting Dog" This story can not be read without the sound effects of the Atomic Fart App on the iPhone. Every time he reads the word Fart, you have to play a different farting sound! Talk about trying to read through all the laughter. A book that should take 10 minutes to read, takes 20 min!! But it is an extra 10 minutes of laughs that would have been missed!!!! I love the craziness of my life!!!!

Make sure you never miss out on those little opportunities that bring you laughter. Even if it does involve the sounds of farts!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

And We Begin

1/1/12 Scribble ~

I'm not going to bore you with a montage of my life in my first post, but will share things that make me who I am as I go along. In a nutshell, I am a photographer that is always learning and trying to better myself, stay at home mom of an Army Son (19), blue-eyed heart stealer son (7), a crazy princess (3), the PTA President & Treasurer, all around crafter, wife, and someone that has not learned the word NO. My plate is always overflowing, but I love it!!!!

Each morning I wake up with the list of things I need to get done, want to get done, and HAVE to get done, running through my head. Then I think, do I really have to get it all started NOW. My response is always "Yes" so grab my imaginary SuperMom cape, and my feet hit the ground running. With being a night owl I am a constant oversleeper, so running is the only thing I can do when I get up to try and catch up from already being behind!

Hopefully you will jump in my crazy clown car with me and enjoy the daily scribbles of my life. There is no telling what I might share each day......

I will also share a photo a day! I am part of a 365 Photo Journal, so what a better place to house it all, than here!